Why is my application taking so long to process?
This is, by far, one of the most frequent questions I receive from my clients as well as from consultations. Whether its a spousal sponsorship, a travel document, a visitor visa or a citizenship application, the question comes back over and over again. Having been practicing now for over 8 years, I know clearly that the decision will eventually arrive, and most of the time, it will be a positive one. I know that we simply must be patient but how to make client patient as well? I know that the file has not been lost or thrown away, but how to convince the client otherwise?
I always make sure to advise clients during consultations, as well as after they have retained our services, that immigration processing times are very unpredictable and often quite long. I also advise clients that CIC provides us with an estimate of the processing times on their website, however, the times posted are approximations and can be much shorter or much longer. Finally, I also ensure to advise clients that it is better to expect the application to be processed in a longer time frame, in order to avoid disappointment and manage expectations.
What I have realized is that when family reunification is at hand, the emotions of our clients take control over understanding reality. It is my job at that point to explain immigration processes and procedures and sooth clients’ concerns in order for them to feel confident that their application will hopefully be finalized sooner than later.