If you have stayed in Canada for a long period of 7 years you are likely to have established yourself socially and economically in Canada and built ties with the community. These factors, together with any danger or hardship you may face if returned to your country of origin, form the basis of a Humanitarian and Compassionate Application for Permanent Residence (H&C). If you have family ties in Canada or are in a common-law or conjugal relationship, you may also be eligible to be sponsored by them for permanent residence.
H&C applications are very much based on the applicant’s unique circumstances and should be supported with strong evidence and documents. They can take several months and sometimes years to process and your status is not guaranteed just because an application is in a process. If you are without status and you think you may qualify for an H&C application, you should consult an experienced representative without delay and be represented by them in making this application to improve your chances of success.