I was denied a Visitor Visa to Canada twice, what can I do?
If you are denied a visa to Canada, this might have a negative impact on any future applications you make to Canada. CIC maintains a unique file number for each individual. Every time you apply again, the records of your previous applications might be reviewed and compared with your current application. It is often more difficult to get a Visa after you have been refused once.
It is, therefore, important that you consult an experienced and qualified immigration representative about the refusal letter and reasons you received from CIC. Your lawyer can ascertain the legal significance of the reasons for refusal provided in the letter and address them carefully in any future application you make to CIC. Once CIC’s concerns are addressed, it is more likely that your application will succeed. Your representative can also give you an assessment of the likelihood of your success in future Visitor Visa applications and advise you on other immigration alternatives available to you.
Immigration looks at a number of different factors when issuing visitor visa applications (ties to your home country, assets, reasons for wanting to visit Canada, travel history, employment, duration of travel, finances etc). A carefully prepared application with strong supporting documents can make the difference between an approval and a refusal.